
Freunde aus Indonesien und Tansania senden Ostergrüße ins Rheinland

1200 Gläubige bei Karfreitagsgottesdienst in Siborongborong - "Happy Easter" aus dem Kirchenkreis Kaskazini A

Zu Ostern haben die Partner des Evangelischen Kirchenkreises Aachen auf Sumatra und die neuen Freunde des Kirchenkreises aus Nord-Tansania Grüße ins Rheinland geschickt. Die Vorsitzende des Partnerschaftsausschusses Indonesien, Imke Buchholz, war Mitte März von einer dreiwöchigen Kontaktreise in den Kirchenkreis "Kaskazini A" im Norden Tansanias zurückgekehrt. Dort hatte sie mit Pfarrer Volker Böhm und zwei Delegierten aus dem indonesischen Partner-Kirchenkreis Humbang Habinsaran die Möglichkeiten für eine trilaterale Partnerschaft in Erfahrung gebracht.

Aus Tansania erhielt sie zu Ostern nun eine SMS:

"The death and the rise of Jesus Christ, is a salvation in re-creation and complete fulfillment of GOD`s love to his church.
I wish you all, happy Easter. Rev. Felix Rwabyo - Kaskazini A, Tanzania"

In Siborongborong läutet die Glocke an Karfreitag sieben Mal

Von Superintendentin Debora Purada Sinaga aus Indonesien erreichte Imke Buchholz am Samstag folgender Brief, nebst dem oben stehenden Bild eines Osternestes:

"Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ Jesus!

Yesterday, our church District HKBP Siborongborong, was full with congregants. There 1.2000 people joint the service. Most of them used black uniform for men, and black Batak National Dress. It was a very solemn service which was filled with songs that came from Youth, Women and Men Choirs. Some of our friends who live in Java, and Jakarta even in other urban areas went to their native land, to visit the graveyard of their ancestors and families who died before them.

The price of the flowers was suddenly quiet expensive. It reached up to IDR 5,000 per one flower only, which was unusual. After we delivered the Good Friday Sermon, then we continued with the holy communion that was served by three Pastors, consisting of two female pastors and one male pastor. We continued at 14.00 hours to have a special service as to remember the death of Jesus Christ while at 15.00 hours we rang the bell for seven times as to recall the death of Christ Jesus.

Jesus is the Son of God. He lived a sinless life and then died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins. "God demonstrates His own love for us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us."

Jesus rose from the dead and now He lives in heaven with God His Father. He offers us the gift of eternal life -- of living forever with Him in heaven if we accept Him as our Lord and Savior. Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except by Me."

God reaches out in love to you and wants you to be His child. "As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe on His name." You can choose to ask Jesus Christ to forgive your sins and come in to your life as your Lord and Savior. “Have a blessed Easter”.

Your Partners HKBP District Humbang Habinsaran, Debora Purada Sinaga.


<link internal-link internal link in current>Zur Seite des Partnerschaftsausschusses Indonesien

<link internal-link internal link in current>SMS-Reisebericht von Imke Buchholz aus Tansania

Quelle: Andreas Steindl

Heike Keßler-Wiertz


Reichsweg 30
52068 Aachen

0241 / 56 52 82 90

Quelle: Andreas Steindl

Andreas Schäffer

Ehrenamtlicher Vorstand

Reichsweg 30
52068 Aachen

0241 / 56 52 82 90